Wednesday, May 14, 2008

.where am I going.

My mother somehow knows the Publisher for Umbrella Publishing, who publishes the high end magazines back in Orange County (my home town), and has told him about my photography. He wants samples of my work this evening and he will be in Denver in two weeks, so I suppose if he likes my work, perhaps a meeting with him.

Quite frankly, I do not feel like my work is anywhere near the calliber of phtoography that Umbrella Publishing would be looking for. Yet. Getting there....but there's equipment that is needed and things that need to be accomplished first before I can confidentally say "My work belongs in a magazine."

This weekend I am getting the sensor cleaned in my 20D. $60 to clean a damn little piece of glass, but seeing as I've had it for 3 years and never done it, I'm assuming its nessesary.
My high quality images are lacking that crystal clear clarity that they should have, and I have a sneaking suspicion its the 3 years of collected microscopic dust particles that have collected on my camera sensor. We'll see how that goes / what that changes.
My next big purchase will be an external flash. I need one in a bad way. The Canon 580EX is on my list of things to buy. I just now need $500 to drop out of the damn sky.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Denver summers amaze me. When the weather changes, and everything begins to bloom and turn green, its really a sight to see. The skies are always interesting colors and hues and for once I was able to capture that with my camera. This first shot is the view from my front porch, and the second shot is the view from the lake at City Park, looking towards downtown. It's a beautiful places, thats for sure. It's no california with beaches and palm trees, but a lovely place none the less.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This model could potentially be a big thing for me.
Waiting to see how this pans out... but here is the 1st shot in the 1st series I've done with her.

More to come soon

Friday, May 2, 2008


I had a photoshoot with model Whitney last night. It was a cold grueling shoot. I worked all day from 8-5, then went straight to the studio for makeup, and then drove to the location around 6:30 and shot for about an hour and a half. It must've been about 30 degrees outside. My hands went numb and blue (go figure I didn't remember gloves) *sigh*

However, despite the cold, Whitney was an amazing model who gave me exactly what I was looking for. She was tall, lean, intense, and incredibly beautiful. She had the high fashion look that I was aiming for and don't often achieve.

I've only gotten around to processing two of the photos since I got home so late and passed out shortly thereafter, but here is a sample of what is to come. I'd say the second photo is probably my favorite of all of my portfolio shots. The moment I took it I knew I had hit the jackpot the moment that shutter snapped.

I see myself inproving at a rapid rate. I hope that I can keep up this momentum and by the end of this year - quit my day job.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Special thanks for the help on these images to: Sinbad Kazakian
I learned something new today. And something that will give my photos the look I've been striving for, for what seems like forever. I still have some playing to do but I got the general idea.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I found a way to make this series a little better.
Here is my favorite image.

Monday, April 28, 2008

First Studio Shoot

Well I finished up my first studio shoot. It didn't go quite as well as I had planned but we did get a few good shots. The model we shot seemed very stiff much of the time which had an adverse affect on the photos. It's nice shooting with lighting though. It really does change the entire look/ feel of a photo.

We had a lot of fun... the shoot was about 3 hours long after my makeup artist kept changing looks etc. We played around with a few different things but I think next time I'm in studio I'll play around a little bit more. At least my virginity is broken and I can be more comfortable about it the next time! ha